My Name is Marcus van Ginkel.

A Full Stack Software Developer

About Me

I am continuously working on learning new skills by designing, creating, and improving web applications.

I have been working 2+ years as a full stack software developer at startups where I could make impactful contributions to help reach the company goals. I worked to improve the propTech platform MooveGuru and helped individual trainers and gyms build their own businesses at FitSW Fitness Software.

My prior experience coordinating research studies at Johns Hopkins has also developed my ability to work well with others and collaboratively attain goals.

I am actively looking for web development opportunities!

Personal Projects



  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • React/Redux
  • Bootstrap
  • TailwindCSS


  • Node.js/Express
  • Mongoose/MongoDB
  • AWS + CodePipeline + CodeCommit
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Git + Github


  • Typescript
  • CI/CD Pipelines
  • Excellent communicator
  • Flexible
  • Quick-learner
  • Dependable